In the constant pursuit of economic and social development for the region and the country, the Santos Trade Association maintains more than 20 active and dynamic Sectoral Chambers. 

Each Chamber brings together members from a specific sector of activity and related segments with the objective of promoting integration, the exchange of information and experiences, and the sharing of best practices and solutions among its members. They also discuss and forward demands and suggestions from their scope of activity to the Executive Board of the ACS.

Members of these Chambers also represent their Sector Chamber to the relevant public authorities whenever requested to advocate for collective interests within their category.

Here is a list of all of them:

Agentes de Carga
Freight Forwarders
Armazéns Gerais, Terminais e Contêineres
General Warehouses, Terminals, and Containers
Assuntos Aduaneiros e Portuários
Customs and Port Affairs
Café Solúvel
Instant Coffee
Comércio Varejista
Retail Trade
Complexo de Soja
Soybean Complex
Comunicação, Turismo e Eventos
Communication, Tourism, and Events
Cooperativas de Café
Coffee Cooperatives
Empresas de Fumigação e Serviços Fitossanitários
Fumigation and Phytosanitary Services Companies
Exportadores de Açúcar
Sugar Exporters
Exportadores de Café
Coffee Exporters
Fornecedores e Serviços a Navios
Suppliers and Ship Services
Incorporação e Construção Civil
Real Estate Development and Construction
Instituições de Ensino
Educational Institutions
Instituições Financeiras
Financial Institution
Operadores Portuários
Port Operators
Operadores Portuários de Cais Público
Public Port Operators
Petróleo, Gás e Energia
Oil, Gas, and Energy
Seguros & Benefícios
Insurance & Benefits
Serviços & Facilities
Services & Facilities
Tecnologia e Inovação
Technology and Innovation
Terminais de Granéis Líquidos
Liquid Bulk Terminals
No Specific Chamber
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