The Economic Development Council of Santos (CONDESAN) was established on December 11, 2019, at the Santos Trade Association (ACS).

At the time, the CEO of TV Tribuna, Roberto Clemente Santini, who was also the president of ACS at the time, emphasized the importance of establishing this organization for the medium and long-term development of the region.

Continuing the proposal initiated by Santini, the current president of ACS, Mauro Sammarco (2020-2023/2023-2026), highlighted the significance of the Council for regional development and ensured that ACS took on the financial responsibility to hire consultants Silvio Barros (former mayor of Maringá) and Marcia Santin.

In its initial phase, the Council had partnerships with the Association of Entrepreneurs in Civil Construction of Baixada Santista (Santos Lowlands) - ASSECOB, Catholic University of Santos, and the Union of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, and Similar Establishments (SiNhores).


The idea

Ricardo Beschizza, the president of ASSECOB/SINDUSCON-SP, was one of the supporters of establishing the Council.  The idea to bring the project to Santos emerged during FICON (Forum of the Construction Industry of Santos and Region) held in 2018, based on a suggestion from the president of CBIC, José Carlos Rodrigues Martins.

Subsequently, the Santos Trade Association, ASSECOB (Association of Entrepreneurs in Civil Construction), SINDUSCON-SP, and SECOVI-SP joined forces to bring the project to the city, specifically to the headquarters of ACS.


Actions to plan the future of Santos

CONDESAN aims to plan the city's future for the coming decades, with a focus on Health, Education, Urban Planning, Economic Development, Tourism and Events, Social and Security, Innovation, and the Environment.

To facilitate the planning of the city's future, consultants suggested forming nine Working Groups, each related to a specific theme. These groups comprise business leaders, community leaders, representatives from universities, the Municipality, and the productive sector.

Anyone interested in contacting the Economic Development Council of Santos (CONDESAN) can send an email to

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