May 23, 2023

Coffee Classification and Tasting Course

The Coffee Classification and Tasting Course offered by the Santos Trade Association (ACS) began in 1989 with the objective of training students to identify the characteristics of the product, meet market demands, and create job opportunities. Since then, over a thousand students have been certified, developing their skills not only in Santos but also in various regions of the country and the world.

In addition to generating interest among coffee industry professionals in Brazil, the ACS course is also recognized by leading consumer countries.

During the 2020 pandemic, the course was suspended for almost two years and returned completely reformulated and modernized in March 2022, adopting a hybrid model.

Registration can be done through the website

Program Content

In the hybrid format, professionals will learn about the history of coffee, morphology, agronomic aspects, major coffee plant pests and diseases, cultivation and harvesting methods, coffee preparation, processing, storage, and coffee classification.

Since the first part of the course is 100% online, you can start the course whenever you want.

On other hand, in the practical content, classes take place in person at the ACS Coffee Classification and Tasting Laboratory.  In this module, students will acquire all the necessary knowledge to become coffee classifiers and tasters.

The schedule also includes some field trips, one of them to the EISA coffee exporter, where students can get hands-on experience with coffee exportation, and another to the “Rei do Café” roasting plant.

Check the schedule for practical sessions in 2023:
Class 75 - March 13th to 24th
Class 76 - June 12th to 23rd
Class 77 - August 14th to 25th
Class 78 - October 16th to 27th


Who is the course for?

Professionals and students interested in learning to classify and taste coffee or those who want to gain knowledge in other areas of coffee farming.

Minimum requirements

To possess a high school diploma
To be over the age of 18
Up-to-date vaccination card (Covid)
Dental health certificate

Course duration (40 hours)

20 hours - Online
20 hours - Practical (duration: ten days – Monday to Friday, from 5 pm to 7 pm)


At the end of the course, students will receive certification and a coffee classifier card.


R$ 650,00 (members)
R$ 950,00 (non-members)


For more information, visit the website, or reach out to Fernanda Marqueria at (13) 3212-8200, or send an email to


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